More Than Late Talking and Lisps: Little known difficulties a Speech Pathologist can help with

Speech Pathologists are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, and communication difficulties. However, there are many skills children can have difficulties with that fall under these umbrellas.

A Speech Pathologist can help with:

Voice Problems
Does your child speak too softly? Too loudly? Do they have a croaky, raspy, or hoarse sounding voice?
Feeding and mealtimes
Does your baby have problem breast or bottle feeding? Is your toddler refusing to eat anything except plain white bread and hot chips?
Behaviour and emotional regulation
Does your child have difficulties managing emotions, or has frequent tantrums? Do they seem to go from 0-100 at the drop of a hat? Can they not understand the results of their actions?
Play skills
Is your child not interested in playing with others? Do they ignore other children in favour of playing alone? Do they have difficulty using imagination when playing?
Executive functioning
Does it seem like your child has problems with planning, making decisions, or problem solving? Do they seem to have little understanding of safety?
Social skills and communication
Does your child have difficulty understanding what is and isn’t okay to do at school or on the playground? Do they have trouble with social skills, like having conversations and sharing? Do they cope well in new situations?
Reading, writing, spelling, and reading comprehension
Does your child read fluently, but cannot summarise or understand the content of what they have read? Is their writing difficult to read, or do they have difficulties reading and spelling?
To discover what our team of dedicated clinicians can do for you and your child, contact us at Speech Therapy Services today!